Monday, 29 October 2012

That was 2012

Great to see Lewis Electrical today. We are looking at improving search engine rankings and integrating one or more case study pages to highlight the variety and professionalism of the work Lewis Electrical undertakes.

We have  been putting the final touches on Pepperells meats which will go online this week. Pepperells is a full e-commerce and content managed website selling meat to the general public. It utilises Barclays merchant services.

Am looking forward to 4Networking breakfast at Norwich on Friday. Beccles business association meeting and Harleston Business Forum meeting. Busy week!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Blinked and missed the Summer

Its been 7 months since my last blog, hang on, this sounds like a confessional, do I need to do some Hail Marys?

Way back in March things were very busy and yes you have guessed it, they are still very busy, in fact all the way through the summer I haven't had time to sit back and relax.

I was thinking back to my time as an employed person when I was constantly thinking of when I could get home or start the weekend. Now, 16 months on running my business fully time I look back and realise that I havent looked at my watch and said "roll on 5:30pm", more like "wow, its 5:30pm and I forgot to have lunch". Its like the day goes quicker and I never have the time to get everything done.

We have churned out 14 websites in this time and 4 hardware installations plus a number of bespoke applications.

Some of our new websites include:
  • Taylor Made Copy -

Harleston & District Business Forum ( is going well. The forum meets on the first Wednesday of every month for a breakfast at the Swan Hotel and Harleston. We are committed to supporting businesses in and around the Harleston area. Each month we have had attendance of around or over 40 members and presentations on HR, Social Media, Harleston Business Park amongst others.

4Networking ( has been busy as well. I took on the group leader role at Norwich and then subsequently the area leader role for Norwich and Diss.

Red Dune had a couple of great Exhibitions at Diss and Harleston and the stand can be seen on Facebook.

See you soon

Red Dune Websites and IT Solutions 

Friday, 13 April 2012

March shot past so quickly

Suddenly I realise that my plans to blog weekly are about 6 weeks late! So much to do and so little time.

Good to see Tenza in Saxmundham are using the bulk email facility template we set up for them. Clients find that the very powerful emailing system that allows you to design, send, manage your email clients and feedback on who opened the email is enormously helpful and only about £15 per mailshot (depending on volumes). Let us know if you are interested in a demo.

NAC Coaching in Ipswich took up the £1 per week website offer with the Confidently Smart Network site. Nadia now sells her e-book online and the site cost £49 plus vat (plus a small charge for a stock photo).

OPL productions from Norwich moved hosting of their website to Red Dune. Hosting starts at £49 per year on our cloud server and OPL couldn't resist. Olly you are a diamond!

Decorum interiors in Halesworth website coming soon. Very nice shop and Sarah is so nice, please pop in and have a look.

No-10 restaurant in Halesworth are doing well, the website has had massive hits in the first two months and the hits are not dropping off. Again please pop in for a coffee or glass of wine or choose from a fantastic lunch or dinner menu. Sam is the perfect host and really knows his wines. Watch out for the special events on the website.

Wright Part of Ipswich, Norwich and Felixstowe also decided to use our hosting services. New SEO work and online truck parts sales coming soon.

Tick solutions of Lowestoft also decided to use our hosting services, new SEO work and various changes coming soon.

A new office at La Ronde Wright in Norwich meant they needed a network and computers. We arranged for network cabling and they now have a new server, router and desktop computer, all installed by us. They can access files on the server depending on security levels within the company and access their files remotely.

Step Group in Essex also had a server and multipoint wireless network installed by us. Similar user access to the server. A new office will require us to set up remote access to files for the remote office.

The BOOtique website for Ladies clothes shop in Southwold is shortly to go live (another £1 per week website).

We have just set up the Harleston & District Business Forum. The committees first job after writing the constitution was to create a holding page for the forthcoming website and tell our members what the HDBF can do for them. So if you are interested in promoting your business in Harleston and the surrounding areas please contact for more information. More details to follow shortly.

A bespoke maternity calculator is being developed for a client in Norwich. The interactive calendar allow the user to select the maternity period the want and calculate pay and dates required by their employer. This will be deployed by our client for business to business solutions.

A new site has been commissioned for a motor sport company based in Bungay. We are looking forward to this website design with lots of fast cars and plenty of mud.

Also lots of secret stuff that I cant talk about right now but when its out there I will blog it and I hope quicker than it took this post to appear. Note to self: make diary entry to blog!

And one last thing. Networking in Norwich, Ipswich and Diss are all going well. 4networking is a great place to meet business and make new contacts. My contacts have increased by about 250 since joining 10 months ago and something like 50% of new business now comes from networking (the other 50% from personal recommendations). Diss 4N is building well and we had a bumper meeting this week with 4 new guests, one that joined immediately. If you havent tried Diss 4N, its only going to cost you the price of a breakfast to try it. Give me a call and I will book you in for Thursday 26th April at the Angel Cafe Diss.

See you soon

Red Dune Websites and IT Solutions

Sunday, 19 February 2012

The days are longer thankfully as there is lots to do!

A busy week just passed. The launch of Number 10 restaurant in Halesworth. We also had a great meal at the restaurant on Valentines. Sam and the team made us feel welcome and the food was fantastic.

We installed a server and backup systems at Anglian Wealth Management. Ian and the team can now have automatic backup data to hard drive and to an external data server that we are providing for them.

I have just had a great weekend. A lie in (or two) a couple of nice walks, one of which allowed me to see 5 follow deer cross our path a hundred feet ahead of us. Sometimes it nice to live in the country. Also visited family for a nice meal on Sunday, thanks Mum!

Next week will be busy, I have a magazine website that I am integrating my content management system into. It has live RSS news and weather and I decided the BBC would be best to supply this.

Also we have a network hard drive to install for Tick Solutions on Monday, plus a backup solution. Martin supplied an excellent multifunctional desk chair for our office, I don't think my posture has ever been better than is it now!

Appaloosa Women's Wear in Halesworth is relocating and rebranding. Phil and Claire are going to Southwold and the new shop will be called BOOtique! New website coming soon.

Thanks to Nadia Cenci who asked me to build the Confidently Smart Network website as part of the Red Dune £1 for 1 week website offer. You can now buy "Understanding Social Media Marketing" online on the website and the entire site cost £49 per year.

Also this week is a bumper week for networking. Office Drinks in Diss and Norwich and 4Networking breakfasts in Bury and Norwich. We had a good breakfast meeting last week at Diss at the Angel Cafe. We meet every two weeks, next is Thursday 1st March at 8am. Contact me if you want to join the team for a networking opportunity or sign up at the 4Networking website.

Oh and I nearly forgot the multi wireless network for a local Doctor which needs to be fitted this week.

Phew - looking forward to the weekend already to catch up on my sleep with a couple of lie ins!